Friday 11 March 2016

March Update

So, where did February go to?

The progress since the last report has been a bit on the slow side. With the weather playing a big part in the delays.  Also, both Matt and Stuart have been out of action to a greater or lesser degree for various reasons.

However, the "plug" has been cut ready to fit in the hole cut into the frames to replace the bad weld.  This just needs to have the profile of the axle box hole cut into it before it can be fitted and welded in.  This has been cut and cround to the correct thickens by Stuart who hopes to have it fitted soon.  The keeper plate has been refitted using a temporary bracket for location.  This is to ensure the frames do not sag during the time before the plug is welded into place. Once this repair has been carried out attention on the frames will turn to the crack on the opposite side that was discovered during the non-destructive testing.  This will be ground out and welded on both sides of the plate frame.

The main thrust at present is to able to get a set of cylinders manufactured to replace the very life expired set that was removed earlier in the year.  As we have reported previously, Matt has produced a 3D computer generated model for the manufacture of a 3D printed polystyrene pattern. This model is currently being checked by an independent expert to ensure the correct allowances for contraction, and other tolerances.  Once the checks and approvals have been carried out we will be in a position to consider ordering castings from the foundry.  

We need to raise finance to pay for the rough castings, transport and machining, this is expected to be in the region of £10,000 to £15,000.  If you would be interested in helping us to pay for the castings please do not hesitate in contacting us for details of how you can help us.  

We can be contacted by E mail at or by post to PROJECT 27, Millfield, Manor Road, Upper Beeding, West Sussex. BN44 3TJ. 

Thank you for your continued support.  Without your help we would not be in the position we are at, let alone be able to carry on with the restoration.

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